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2017-12-04 03:00
By Jason Pan / Staff reporterMakatao villages in Pingtung County concluded their annual Night Festival yesterday, as local government officials joined the Makatao Aboriginal community to review cultural revitalization policies and other government programs outlined for the community over the coming years.The festival, which took place this weekend at Laopi Village (老埤) in Pingtung County’s Neipu Township (內埔), is one of the three main annual cultural events of the county’s Makatao people, who are one of 10 officially recognized Pingpu, or lowlands, Aboriginal groups in Taiwan.“We had over 300 Pingpu clan relatives and friends, mostly from southern Taiwan, coming in to attend this festival,” Laopi Village Elder Pan An-chuan (潘安全) said. “It is an important occasion for us to get together, to thank the deities who provided guidance, protection and a good harvest this year, and also to celebrate our cultural heritage.”Pan said the traditional worship rituals and activities were centered on the village’s Laotsu Temple, where gatherers pay respects to Makatao deities through offerings of pork, grains, rice wine, betel nuts and fruits, as well as by performing a special dance known as Tioh-hi.The dance is performed by women from the Makatao community and led by female shamans.A key supporter of the revitalization of Makatao traditional festivals is Pingtung County Cultural Affairs Department Director Wu Chin-fa (吳錦發), who has pushed for financial backing for such programs.“Household registration data from 1909, during the Japanese colonial era, show that Laopi Village had 1,186 residents listed as ‘plains Aborigines,’” Wu said in a speech at the festival.“This was a vibrant Makatao community and a cultural center in the county,” he said. “It has remained so up to this day, but work is needed to preserve and pass on the heritage of the community by Makatao elders, community leaders and cultural researchers.”Wu said that since Pingtung County Commissioner Pan Men-an (潘孟安) took office in 2014, programs for Makatao cultural revitalization have been among the county’s priorities, along with funding for local schools to teach students about the history and heritage of Makatao people.Pan Yen-pao (潘燕寶), who heads local Makatao culture working groups, said that this year’s event included an exhibition of old photographs and documents about the Makatao community that showed people’s activities through the generations, along with a presentation of traditional local arts and crafts.“The event is a good way to educate young people about the traditions and customs of the Makatao community. It is important for people to recognize their own cultural heritage and identify themselves as Makatao people,” he said.Wu and community elders at the event also invited people to participate in two other upcoming Makatao festivals in Pingtung, the Ganabo Night Festival in Gaoshu Township (高樹), which will be held overnight from Jan. 1 to Jan. 2, and the Gabulong Night Festival in Wanluan Township (萬巒), which is scheduled for March 2.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES
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90歲爺爺大面積中風住院,家屬決定聘醫院看護一對一照顧,但爺爺卻在2周內換4名看護,不是家屬想換人,而是看護都以爺爺「很難顧」為由不幹了。有錢聘看護卻找不到好的照顧品質,是許多家屬曾面臨的痛,衛福部表示,研擬提升看護在職訓練時數與內容。據衛福部統計,全台醫院照顧服務員(俗稱醫院看護)共1萬1千多人,多數是醫院和看護合作社簽約,由合作社提供,少部分才是醫院自聘自用。一對一看護費平均每天2000至2600元,若個案較難照顧,還得再添錢。 #div-gpt-ad-1503996040247-0 iframe { margin:auto; display: block; }
#div-gpt-ad-1503996040247-0 > div { margin: auto; display: block !important; }醫院照顧服務員管理要點規定,看護每年至少接受8小時訓練,內容包含感染控制、病人安全、照顧技巧等,等同每年只需補充訓練一天。台北榮總醫企部主任李偉強表示,看護是醫院及家屬的得力助手,但看護費有時比醫療費還花錢,卻難保看護品質夠好。有些看護確實是新手,缺乏技巧及經驗,有些人卻是「自以為是」的老手,結果嚴重影響醫護原本的照護工作。李偉強說,北榮曾發生病人因看護照顧不周出問題,丟給醫護收拾善後,醫院後來決定自掏腰包,每年提供看護更多補充訓練以確保品質,避免適得其反。萬芳醫院副院長高靖秋也說,醫院對看護有監督管理責任,若太多看護不適任,醫院可與合作社解約。但有少數流竄在醫院內的「個體戶」,直接向家屬發名片,「這種私下交易,說真的醫院很難管得到。」「好的看護很多,但還是有老鼠屎。」爺爺的家人受訪說,爺爺睡眠少,連續幾名醫院協助媒合的看護喊累,寧願去顧輕鬆個案,還有大陸籍看護還故意錄下爺爺晚上躁動情況,他們抗議時卻遭看護嗆「你是想殺我嗎」、「我只做到今晚8點」,讓他們無奈又無助。衛福部照護司長蔡淑鳳表示,醫院看護的管理及照護品質有改善空間,近期擬修正醫院照服員管理要點,包括增加看護在職教育時數、強化有效訓練,或提供更多聘用模式,例如一對多照顧,以分擔費用方式來減輕家屬財務壓力。針對個體戶,衛福部照護司簡任技正陳青梅說,個體戶依法仍需具照服員資格,且醫院也得比照合作社之看護,將個體戶納入登錄清冊,地方政府會於每年督導考核時檢視。只是目前沒有罰則,只能要求醫院做好管理監督責任。有錢聘看護卻找不到好的照顧品質,是許多家屬曾面臨的痛,衛福部表示,研擬提升看護在職訓練時數與內容。 圖/報系資料照 分享 facebook
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